Does wine make you fat?

- min of reading

Le vin fait-il grossir ?

Drinking too much wine can cause you to consume more calories than you expend, which can lead to weight gain. …During this summer period, outings, good meals and evening programs are more frequent! So what is the impact of wine on our figure and does wine make you gain weight?

There is no exact answer to this question but you should know that alcohol is high in calories and wine can make you gain weight if accompanied by fatty foods but everything will depend on our lifestyle habits.

Alcohol is high in calories

According to Professor Philippe Gabert, professor of biochemistry and molecular biology, "In wine, there is alcohol. Alcohol is the most important component after water (120 grams per liter). We therefore have a significant caloric intake. The caloric intake of alcohol is practically equivalent to that of lipids. A glass of wine is equivalent to a banana (80-90 calories).

In 100 ml of wine you have around 2 to 3 g of sugar. But it is not this carbohydrate level that affects the calories of the drink. It is the alcohol content of the drink which will determine the quantity of calories in the wine. You should also know that sweet wine also has more calories than dry wine, because the latter contains sugar.

In a glass of wine we get around 60 to 90 kcal. this is equivalent to that of a banana. Per 100 ml, there are 90 g of water, but also 3 grams of carbohydrates and up to 9 grams of alcohol. The amount of calories can thus increase depending on the type of wine chosen.

Sweet white wine has more calories. Per 100 ml, it represents approximately 150 calories.

You want to lose weight, but you don't want to eliminate wine consumption from your habits. The solution is to choose the type of wine you drink carefully.

To avoid gaining weight, avoid sweet wines because they contain more than 11% sugar and in the long term, hello calories! Opt for dry wines, because their sugar level is less than 0.2%.

It’s all in the way you consume?! If you want to have fun and pay attention to your health at the same time, the solution is to moderate consumption.

Does red wine make you gain weight?

The answer to this question is a bit complicated. Red wine does not directly cause weight gain, as it contains only a small number of calories per glass. However, if you drink too much red wine on a regular basis, it can contribute to weight gain over time due to the extra calories.

Additionally, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to poor food choices and increased appetite, both of which can contribute to weight gain. Therefore, for those looking to maintain or lose weight, moderate consumption of red wine is recommended. This means you should limit your intake to one 5-ounce drink per day for women and two drinks for men. Additionally, adopting other healthy habits, such as regular exercise and a balanced diet, will also help you achieve your health goals.

Do sulphites in wine make you gain weight?

The simple answer is no. Sulfites are a class of preservatives that are added to many foods, including wine, to prevent spoilage and extend their shelf life.

While sulfites can cause allergic reactions in some people, they have not been linked to weight gain or obesity. In fact, the amount of sulfites used in common wines is so small that it has little or no effect on your weight. So don't worry: drinking a glass of wine from time to time won't make you gain extra pounds! However, if you have specific health conditions or allergies related to sulfites, you should consult your doctor before consuming it.

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