1. How do I track my package?
  • To track your package, you can use the tracking number provided by the sender. This number can be entered on the carrier's website or an online package tracking service. You can also receive updates on your package via email or SMS notifications.
  1. When will I receive my package?
  • The delivery date depends on the carrier and the chosen shipping method. Delivery times may vary depending on destination, weather conditions, public holidays, strikes, etc. You can consult the tracking of your package to obtain a more precise estimate of the delivery date.
  1. What if my package is late or lost?
  • If your package is late, it is recommended that you contact the carrier for delivery status information. If the package is lost, you can also contact the carrier to file a claim. Be sure to keep the tracking number and delivery information to help process your request.
  1. Can I change the delivery address of my package?
  • If your package has not yet been shipped, you can contact the sender to request a change in the delivery address. If the package is being delivered, it may be possible to contact the carrier to request a redirection to a new address. However, additional charges may apply.
  1. How can I collect my parcel if I am not at home when it is delivered?
  • If you are not at home during the delivery, the carrier can leave a delivery notice so that you can schedule a new delivery or collect the package from a relay point or post office. Some delivery options may also allow you to schedule a time slot for delivery or give specific instructions for dropping off the package.

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